Anyone who has had a major surgery or even a simple procedure requiring Anesthesia knows that “dream-like state” you feel right after it is over. The effects fade within a few hours, for most people—but for others it can leave them feeling weak, dizzy and disoriented (even feverish) for days afterwards.
What can you do to prepare your body for recovery from Surgery requiring Anesthesia?
Here are a few helpful tips:
- Adopt A Recovery Diet
Certain types of food allow you to flush the anesthetic (a fat-soluble toxin) from your system quickly while other foods keep it stuck in your system. Things like cinnamon, turmeric, garlic, onions and egg yolks will help your body detox. Don’t forget your dietary fiber, particularly water-soluble fiber, which can be found in pears, oat bran, apples, and beans—or other vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts as well as artichokes, beets and carrots. All of these veggies contain compounds that help your body detox. Avoid refined sugar, alcohol and saturated fats—especially meat and dairy. Whey powder is a good alternative if you must have protein in your diet.
- Drink Lots Of Water
This should be a no-brainer but not drinking enough water makes it nearly impossible for your body to flush toxins. Think of your body like a stream and the toxins are the pebbles at the bottom that need to be removed. You want to have a good healthy flow of water going inside you at all times. A good goal (for anyone) is eight, eight-ounce glasses of water each day. Try to drink a glass of water every two waking hours at all times. If you are recovering from surgery, bump that up to one glass of water every waking hour.
- Take Multivitamins To Replenish Your System
Start taking a multivitamin that provides a variety of nutrients, including vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E, B vitamins, and key minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and selenium. Take one each day for at least two weeks before and after undergoing anesthesia. Many of these nutrients have antioxidant properties that play an important role in the body’s detoxification that is done by the liver. A multivitamin and mineral formula also contains many nutrients that help eliminate heavy metals and other toxic compounds like anesthetics from the body.
- Try Lipotropic Formulas
You can buy a lipotropic formula at most any grocery store, drug store or natural supplement store. They increase the level of two important liver substances called glutathione and S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe). These formulas are high in choline and methionine, two important liver nutrients. We suggest you begin taking it one week before and at least two weeks after surgery.
- Take the Herbal Supplement Milk Thistle
This aids the detoxification process by preventing the loss of an antioxidant called glutathione, which is found in the liver. Glutathione is reduced after you receive anesthesia, which can damage your liver cells. Enter milk thistle, which can increase the level of glutathione by up to 35%. Start taking it at least one week before surgery and continue taking it for (at least) two weeks afterward. Milk thistle can affect hormone levels so do not take it if you’re allergic to plants (especially in the ragweed family) or you have a history of hormone-related cancer like breast, uterine, or prostate cancer.
Prior to any surgical procedure, we advise you to discuss any drugs or supplements you take with your physician. Our recommendations are safe for most people, but some supplements can increase bleeding risk or may interact with some anesthetics differently. So don’t just take our word for it and talk to your doctor before you have your procedure.
MAG provides all of our patients with expert anesthesia care, great bedside manner, and outstanding customer service. From “pre op” to “post op,” we don’t stop until your job is done right. If you want to learn more about what the Metro Anesthesia Group can do for your surgery center—we invite you to contact us today.